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Headshot Alan Wong

Alan Wong 黄伟麟

Group Partner (BVI) 集团合伙人 (英属维京群岛)

Hong Kong

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Alan’s practice focuses on the establishment and structuring of private equity funds, hedge funds and crypto funds in the Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands, as well as their regulatory compliance and downstream transactions.  In addition to advising on traditional and alternative asset classes, Alan leads Ogier's Technology and Web3 team in Asia. He has extensive experience in structuring investment funds with blockchain and Web3-related strategies. His clients include some of the most well-known names within the crypto native community, as well as some of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges and platforms and their key executives.

Background and experience

Alan is Ogier's Group Partner (BVI) based in Hong Kong, and leads Ogier's Technology and Web3 team in Asia. Alan's practice focuses on the establishment and structuring of open-ended funds and closed-ended funds in the Cayman islands and the British Virgin Islands, covering a wide range of strategies, including crypto, blockchain and Web3, private equity, venture capital, buyout, pre-IPO, cornerstone and IPO investments, credit, and real estate, as well as their regulatory compliance and downstream transactions.

Alan has been recognised, for three consecutive years, as a Rising Star in both the offshore investment funds and private equity funds categories in Hong Kong by IFLR1000, 2022, 2023 & 2024.

Alan is admitted as a solicitor in Hong Kong (non-practising), England and Wales and the British Virgin Islands, and a registered foreign lawyer regulated by the Law Society of Hong Kong. Before joining Ogier, Alan worked as an associate in Jones Day, where he focused on capital market transactions, including advising on Hong Kong IPOs, takeovers, mergers and acquisitions, debt and equity fund-raising and other general corporate matters, and advising private equity funds and multinational clients on their cross-border investments.

Alan leads Ogier's Technology and Web3 team in Asia and is a member of AIMA's cross-sector Digital Assets Working Group in the Asia Pacific Region. He specialises in structuring funds engaged in the sector including funds that pursue crypto, blockchain and Web3-related strategies, hold digital assets and cryptocurrencies and invest in blockchain businesses. Alan also advises the launch of tokenised fund structures securities token offerings (STOs), and generally on tokenisation of real-world assets (RWA), and the related regulatory compliance matters in the Cayman Islands and BVI. His clients include some of the most well known names within the crypto native community, including Pacific Waterdrip, Matrixport, Matrixport Ventures, Ryze Labs, Old Fashion Research, SevenX Ventures, Kryptanium Capital, TON, SNZ, IOSG, Ausvic Capital, as well as some of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges and platforms and their key executives. Alan led the Ogier team in advising the launch of Pacific Waterdrip Digital Asset Fund SPC in the Cayman Islands, which was the first crypto fund launch in the market by a PRC SOE in collaboration with Waterdrip Capital.

Alan is also part of Ogier's multi-disciplinary Private Equity team. He specialises in (a) fund formation and capital raising, including (i) structuring advice and fund formation, (ii) advising on, and forming, co-investment vehicles, AIVs, parallel funds, employee incentive schemes, (iii) advising on ongoing fund operation (including regulatory compliance), (iv) LP advisory services, and (v) downstream corporate advisory work.

Alan's achievements (including his experience prior to joining Ogier) include:

  • advising a HNW client on the establishment of a Cayman Islands investment fund to act as a joint venture partner with one of the largest private equity investors in Asia-Pacific for their US$300 million take-private of a medical diagnostics company listed on the Taipei Exchange
  • advising one of Asia's leading investment firms on its subscription of high-yield bonds and warrants of a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
  • advising a leading European-Asian private equity firm focused on industrial and medical technology investments in the European and North American mid-market on its various downstream acquisitions and exits
  • assisting Cybernaut New Frontier in the launch of a US$300m Cayman Islands venture fund targeting AI and fintech start-ups in China
  • assisting various private equity firms based in China in the launch of their first USD-denominated private equity fund based in Cayman
  • assisting Hammer Capital in its launch of Hammer Capital Opportunities Fund LP, a member of an investor consortium with Tencent Holdings (HKSE: 700) in the US$1.1 billion take-private of Bitauto Holdings Limited (NYSE: BITA)
  • assisting ORI Capital in the launch of ORI Healthcare Fund II, its second healthcare-centered venture capital fund with a target close of US$400 million
  • assisting one of the largest independent financial groups in Asia in the launch of a Cayman Islands US$200 million private equity fund focusing on growth stage entities engaged in TMT, healthcare and consumer sectors in China, and the establishment of a BVI investment fund serving as its proprietary vehicle for investing in the group's ETF products worldwide
  • assisting a leading Chinese venture capital firm in the launch of a Cayman Islands investment fund focusing on transformative agrifood technology
  • assisting Harvest Capital Management and Harvest Global Capital Investments on multiple Cayman Islands fund launches
  • assisting a venture capital firm focused on the healthcare industry in the launch of a Cayman Islands investment fund for subscribing high-yield debenture issued by a company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange
  • assisting New Frontier Health in the launch of multiple Cayman Islands investment funds as participants of the investor consortium in the US$1.582 billion take-private of New Frontier Health Corporation (NYSE: NFH)
  • assisting Epivision Equity Partners in the launch of a Cayman Islands healthcare-centered venture capital fund with a target close of US$350 million
  • assisting a global private equity fund manager focusing on investments in semiconductor and other high-tech industries in the launch of multiple buyout funds in the Cayman Islands
  • assisting Alta Capital Real Estate in the launch of a US$50 million Cayman Islands real estate fund, a hospitality fund with a focus on sustainability and wellness
  • assisting a top-tier alternative investment firm based in Korea focusing on venture capital, private equity and infrastructure in the launch of two clean energy funds in the Cayman Islands
  • assisting Old Fashion Research in the launch of its US$100 million fund focusing on investments in various blockchain ecosystems, including through early-stage incubation, venture capital investments, merger and acquisition and other special situation investments
  • advising CPIC Investment Management, part of the China Pacific Insurance Group, on the Cayman law aspects of its collaboration with Waterdrip Capital on the launch of Pacific Waterdrip Digital Asset Fund SPC and its sub-funds, focusing on seed and private placement rounds of early-stage blockchain projects, covering fields such as blockchain infrastructure, decentralised applications, Web3 software-as-a-service tools, metaverse and NFT application as well as native tokens of public chains with PoS as the consensus mechanism
  • advising on the launch of Hong Kong's first real estate fund STO
  • assisting in the establishments of various cryptofunds with a focus on cryptocurrency and other blockchain investments
  • assisting various private equity firms and IPO applicants with the formation of employee incentive schemes and carried interest plans

Alan obtained his LLM (Corporate Law) degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2014, and his LLB degree from The University of Hong Kong in 2012.

Admitted in:
2016 – Hong Kong (non-practising)
2023 – England and Wales
2024 – British Virgin Islands




Profile (Simplified Chinese)

黄律师是奥杰的集团合伙人 (英属维京群岛),常驻香港,并同时为奥杰在亚洲的科技和Web3团队领导。他的执业领域主要集中于曼群岛和英属维尔京群岛设立和构建开放式基金和封闭式基金,涵盖广泛的策略,包括加密货币、区块链和Web3、私募股权、风险投资、收购、上市前投资、基石投资和IPO投资、信贷和房地产,以及就其监管合规和下游交易提供意见。。

Alan 黄律师于2018年加入奥杰香港,并连续三年(2022、2023和2024年)在香港被IFLR1000认定为离岸投资基金和私募股权基金两个领域的后起之秀 (Rising Star)。除了就传统和替代资产类别提供咨询外,Alan为奥杰在亚洲的科技和Web3团队领导。他对设立区块链和Web3相关策略构建投资基金方面拥有丰富的经验。他的客户包括加密原生社区中一些最知名的名字,以及一些最大的加密货币交易所和平台及其关键高管。

黄律师为香港(非执业)、英格兰及威尔士以及英属维尔京群岛的认许律师,并且是由香港律师会监管的注册外地律师。在加入奥杰之前,黄律师于众达国际法律事务所(Jones Day)担任律师一职,并专注于资本市场交易,包括为香港首次公开发行、收购、并购、债务和股本融资以及其他一般公司业务事宜提供法律意见。于私募基金和跨国客户的跨境投资方面,他亦富有就相关项目提供法律意见的经验。

黄律师是奥杰在亚洲的科技和Web3团队领导,并且是亚太地区AIMA跨行业数字资产工作组的成员。他专注于构建该行业的基金,包括以加密货币作为投资策略、持有数字资产和加密货币以及投资区块链业务的基金。Alan还就通证化基金结构(tokenised fund)和证券代币发行(STO)以及一般的实物资产通证化(RWA)提供意见,并就开曼群岛和英属维尔京群岛的相关监管合规事宜提供意见。他的客户包括加密货币原生社区中一些最知名的成员,包括Pacific Waterdrip、Matrixport、Matrixport Ventures、Ryze Labs、Old Fashion Research、SevenX Ventures、Kryptanium Capital、TON、SNZ、IOSG、Ausvic Capital 以及一些最大的加密货币交易所和平台及其关键高管。黄律师带领奥杰团队就在开曼群岛推出Pacific Waterdrip Digital Asset Fund SPC提供咨询,该基金为市场上首支由中国国企(与Waterdrip Capital合作)推出的加密货币基金。

黄律师同时亦为奥杰跨范畴私募股权团队的成员。他擅长于(a) 基金设立和集资,包括:(i) 架构建议和基金设立;(ii) 协助成立共同投资载体、替代投资载体(AIV)、平行基金、员工激励计划;(iii) 就基金持续运作(包括监管合规)提供意见;(iv) 就有限合伙人(LP)的投资提供意见;及(b) 就投资基金的下游公司业务事宜提供意见。


  • 为一位高净值客户设立开曼群岛投资基金,该基金与亚太地区其中一所最大的私募股权投资者组成投资者财团,并以3亿美元私有化在台北交易所上市的医疗诊断公司
  • 协助一家领先亚洲的投资权机认购香港联交所上市公司发行的高收益债券和认股权证并提供法律意见
  • 为一家领先欧亚及并专注于欧洲和北美中端市场工业和医疗技术的投资私募股权机构就其下游的各种收购和退出提供法律意见
  • 为Cybernaut New Frontier设立3亿美元的开曼群岛创投基金,该基金将专注投资位于中国的人工智能和金融科技初创企业 • 协助多家总部位于中国的私募股权机构于开曼群岛设立其首支美元私募基金
  • 协助黑马资本设立Hammer Capital Opportunities Fund LP,作为与腾讯控股(香港联交所:700)成立的投资者财团成员,以对易车控股有限责任公司(纽约证券交易所:BITA)提出私有化,该私有化总值11亿美元
  • 协助ORI Capital设立ORI Healthcare Fund II,该基金为ORI Capital的第二支以医疗为中心的风险投资基金,意向规模为4亿美元
  • 协助亚洲最大的独立金融集团之一设立2亿美元的开曼群岛私募基金,该基金专注投资于中国从事数字新媒体(TMT)、医疗保健和消费领域的成长期企业,及为其于英属维尔京群岛设立自营投资载体用以投资集团于全球发行的ETF(交易所买卖基金)产品
  • 协助一家中国领先的创投企业设立开曼群岛投资基金,该基金专注投资变革性农业食品技术
  • 协助嘉实资本管理及嘉实国际投资于开曼群岛设立多支投资基金
  • 协助一家专注于医疗保健行业的创投企业设立开曼群岛投资基金,以认购一家位于多伦多证券交易所上市公司发行的高收益债券
  • 协助新风医疗集团设立多个开曼群岛投资基金,作为投资者财团成员以对新风医疗集团公司(纽约证券交易所:NFH)提出私有化,该私有化总值16亿美元
  • 协助Epivision Equity Partners设立康健护理创投基金,意向规模为3.5亿美元
  • 协助一家专注于半导体核心技术及其他新兴高端技术的全球私募股权机构于开曼群岛设立多支全面并购基金
  • 协助Alta Capital Real Estate推出一个专注于可持续性和健康为主题的酒店项目的5千万美元开曼群岛房地产基金
  • 协助一家总部位于韩国的顶尖另类投资机构,专注于风险投资、私募股权和基础设施,在开曼群岛设立两个清洁能源基金
  • 协助Old Fashion Research设立1亿美元基金,专注于投资各种区块链生态系统,包括早期孵化、初创投资、并购和其他特殊情况投资
  • 就中国太平洋保险集团旗下的中国太保投资管理在与水滴资本合作推出Pacific Waterdrip Digital Asset Fund SPC及其子基金的开曼法律方面提供意见,该基金专注于早期区块链项目的种子轮和私募轮,涵盖区块链基础设施、去中心化应用、Web3软件即服务工具、元宇宙和NFT应用,以及以PoS为共识机制的公共链的原生代币
  • 就香港首个房地产基金STO的推出提供咨询
  • 协助成立多家加密货币基金,投资策略涵盖加密货币及其他区块链投资
  • 协助多家私募股权机构和准上市公司设立员工激励计划和绩效收益分成计划

黄律师在2014年于伦敦政治经济学院获得法学硕士(公司法)学位,及在2012年于香港大学获得法学士学位。 Alan会流利的广东话、英文和普通话。


2016 – 香港(非执业)

2023 – 英格兰及威尔士

2024 – 英属维尔京群岛

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"Rising star partner"

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"Provides practical and precise advice promptly, which is very helpful and exactly what we are looking for! Very experienced and commercial in the investment funds area."

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"Responsive and provided high quality work in the very tight deadlines we imposed."

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